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Hay Bales and Hummingbirds

The rhythmic sway of the porch swing offered a gift of relaxation.  I soaked in the unhurried warm morning; breathing in the familiar sights. A hummingbird enjoyed a sweet treat from the feeder. The cascading foliage of a hanging basket safely covered a hidden bird’s nest. Even the large round hay bales seem to lazily sunbathe in the field next to my home.


Summer often beckons me to slow down; a welcome invite from the normal rush. Summer, with its hay bales and hummingbirds, tempt me to breathe deeply.  Today I “exhale the world and inhale Jesus,” as someone once said. If your life is like mine, our norm is a fast and hectic pace. However, we have a personal invite from the Creator. Jesus said, “Come to me all who are weary and burdened; and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28 (NIV)

I was told recently that Doctor Billy Graham was once asked what he loved most about his ministry. He could have said speaking to large crowds, knowing presidents and kings; his world travel or writing his books but Doctor Graham responded with “It has been my fellowship with Jesus. To sense His presence, to glean His wisdom, to have Him guide and direct me-that has been my greatest joy.” (For complete story check out Our Daily Bread)

What if our greatest fulfillment is found is knowing Him? I believe it is! Joy is found in His presence. “You make known to me the path of life; You will fill me with joy in Your presence, with eternal pleasures at Your right hand.” Psalm 16:11 NIV

Daily reading and guidance from Scripture make my day better. Some days I do not even get a moment to slow down but some seasons allow time to pause a little longer.  Today among the hay bales and hummingbirds, I linger.

Maybe your summer is crazy busy! Mine often is but on those rare occasions when we can pause a little longer; maximize the moments. Refresh your soul in His company, my friend. He gives the rest and joy we crave.

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