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It's Too Tight!

I reached for my buzzing cell to see an incoming call from my grown daughter. My heart skipped a happy beat. I envisioned our typical morning conversation unfolding with the little grands' faces shining through the display window. I was anticipating the cutest overload to ooze through their phone and wash over this Mimi's heart. I tapped the FaceTime button, eager for the day's connection.

I quickly saw (the best Momma ever), and her four-year-old and almost six-year-old lined up on the couch. Some might call it cuddling. Others may say they were cozily tucked on the sofa for a slow summer morning. Another small unnamed child may or may not have declared she was unhappily sandwiched between Momma and Big Sister. Within a millisecond of morning hello's, one unnamed bundle of whines complained of her seating arrangement. "It's too tight! It's too tight!" What once was a cozy cuddling moment was grand, until it was not.

Friends, do you ever snuggle up close to something wonderful - until it's not? Have you ever felt tightly trapped? I have! Perhaps, it was a commitment seemingly doable that turned into overpowering timeframes. Maybe, it was a relationship that turned toxic and terrible. I get it.

Do you hear the voice inside your head screaming, "It's too tight!" while you work to wiggle free? So, what is a gal to do when she is feels pressed on all sides?

King David of the OT could relate. As a young adult, he had to have thought life was good and grand as Samuel anointed him to be the next King. (1 Samuel 16:13) Imagine the excitement for his future days. Life was good, until it was not. From his anointment until he took the throne, he knew of tight situations. His relationship with King Saul turned toxic for Saul became jealous of David. He sought to kill the future king. (1 Samuel 18) With his safety threatened, David was on the run for his life. Saul heavily pursued him with a mighty army. David understood what it is like to live with pressure bearing down on all sides. (1 Samuel 19-22)

Yet, David trusted the Lord. He believed in the promise of the throne, while trusting God's timing of his posture on the throne. He trusted while He waited. He knew God had His future and would unfold the steps when ready.

In the wait, David matured into the King worthy of the role. His patience was powerful. His character was developed. Leadership skills were learned. He won the hearts of others. He grew into the man God needed him to be to lead the nation of Israel. He trusted in the wait. He grew in the trials. Friend, these traits take time to develop in our life. A small weed can spring up quickly, but a mighty oak takes years.

Perhaps, dear friend, you feel squeezed from all sides today and desperately want to complain. Instead, let's believe great things ahead. Trust the Lord's timing and our character development in the wait. Though you feel pressure from all sides, trust the process. I believe something good is in your future. I know you and I will both become better versions of ourselves while we wait for God's timing of our next assignment.

Now, back to my FaceTime conversation, my baby girl did stop her whining. In fact, she stood up and unfolded her tiny body into a big stretch. She moved forward into the next step of her morning. You see, she too is learning her character steps of growth. She, too, has been designed for royalty. In the Lord's timing, she will lead others with character and grace fit for a queen. And I have no doubt she will win the hearts of all. She definitely has mine.

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