Happy Friday, Friends!
I am thrilled to announce the NEW High Heels At His Feet's website is live! I absolutely love it and feel you will too! The site is user-friendly with a clean updated look and feel. Would you please take the time to check it out and give me your thoughts? I would love to hear from you. A big thank you to Hope at Hope Lauren Creative. I highly recommend her.
On a personal note, thank you for joining me on this journey of life. You are family. You encourage me, strengthen me, and make me a better person. "Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up." Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 (ESV) I enjoy sharing what the Lord has laid on my heart. Thank you for the privilege.
On a fun note, for a limited time, there is a small gift available for subscribers!!! It is a beautiful lock screen designed to keep one focused on being a Godly woman. Invite your family and friends to subscribe! If you want the gift as well, re-subscribe. It is my privilege to share this with you and your friends. Enjoy!
More exciting news is coming in the months ahead! I can't wait to tell you all about it!
I am so proud of you my friend/daughter
I especially enjoyed the picture of your little grandaughter---It made me wonder if
my face shows my attitude as clearly as hers does????? Why is it we learn
to hide our true feelings as we grow up------instead of taking them to the Lord
and asking Him to help us with our attitudes????
Absolutely gorgeous Becky! 💗
It looks great Becky!! I look forward to more truth and wisdom poured out from you in the days ahead!
Becky, it's GORGEOUS!!! Such a great job. I pray your new website will be a blessing to many.