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May 31, 20243 min read
Exercise or Extra-Fries?!
"Life is about moderation," they say. "Incorporate balance," they say. However, when hot, crispy fries lay before me, I need help finding...

Oct 14, 20225 min read
Five Life Lessons From Climbing Mt Le Conte
You may have heard it said, "The journey of a thounsand miles begins with one step." The principle remains the same, regardless of the...

Mar 11, 20222 min read
Covid and Carbs Have Not Been Good to Me :)
She stood only two inches high. (2 inches!!!) But she possessed a power that I could not resist! I am not sure if it was her buttery,...

Jan 7, 20222 min read
Heavy Burdens
Can you find Waldo (haha or me) in the pic? As I crawled under the massive boulder, I admit, I had a 'what if' anxious thought. 'What if'...

Jul 31, 20203 min read
Attitudes Are Won Within
It was early morning, but I was already running late. I sluggishly made my way to the kitchen and was met by a significant problem....

Jun 25, 20202 min read
Having Joy While Living in a Society Filled with Anxiety
As unrest fills our screens, anxiety can fill the heart. Hard news, deep anger, and desperation regularly flood our social media. If not...

Jun 11, 20202 min read
“Mimi, You Need to Fix Yourself”
It has been a loooooooonng five weeks of healing. Ninety-eight percent of the time, I have worn no makeup, did not fix my hair, and lived...

Jun 4, 20205 min read
I Wish I Could Tell You
I wish I could tell you. I wish I could share with you that I preformed a heroic action to explain my concussion. An act such as: Three...

Jan 16, 20204 min read
20 Random Words of ‘Wisdom’ for 2020 (Part 1)
Ladies, I am fighting through each day so far in January. I have hopes and visions for 2020. I believe these are God-given dreams, but...

Jan 2, 20202 min read
Choosing Hard Things
What is your vision for 2020? Believe it or not, I am determined to choose hard things. Not because I like hard, but because I want more....

Sep 6, 20182 min read
Self-care is not Selfish
Have you ever been so busy you didn’t have time to eat? It has been rare for me; (because I like to eat! 🙂 ) However, it has happened....
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