"Life is about moderation," they say.
"Incorporate balance," they say.
However, when hot, crispy fries lay before me, I need help finding balance.
And don't even get me started about ice cream! Ice Cream is my ultimate temptation station!
Recently, I have been more intentional about living a healthier lifestyle. I wanted to cut some extra pounds and strengthen my core. Therefore, after a few days of dieting and exercise, I felt I should have seen significant results, but was disappointed in my reality.
Do you ever want to give up when you don't see immediate results? Have you ever wanted instant gratification?
We live in the age of "I want it, and I want it now." We are in an impulse society. We have information at our fingertips. We can place online purchases with deliveries at our backdoor. I get it! Sometimes, I want to quit before the long-term results come in. I did yesterday, but not today!
Today, I am reviewing some steps for staying on course when I want to abandon ship. Here are some encouraging steps that have helped me refocus. Whatever your goals or dreams are today, these will help you and me stay focused.
Exchange what you want most for what you want now.
Do not sacrifice your long-term victory for temporary pleasure. For example, I can binge on ice cream now, but I will not reach my long-term goal of weight loss and a healhty lifestyle. I can buy a new expensive car now, but I will not reach my long-term goal of savings. Friend, don't give up what you want most for what you want now.
"Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time, we reap a harvest if we do not give up." Galatians 6:9 (NIV)
Do the next right thing.
I need to keep moving forward in the right direction. If I can not take big steps, I will take small ones. Together, they will eventually add up and lead you to your goal. I choose to keep eating healthy, though I want a double portion of the ice cream in my freezer. (True story)
Implement new steps to overcome old hindrances.
Sometimes, we need to implement new steps to achieve the goal. When the old ways are no longer working, recreate the plan with new steps. I can change my thought patterns to implement new ways. Perhaps, I could have a small treat now and learn to control the portion size. On other days, I might need to avoid sweets altogether. Do what works for this stage of your journey. Learn to implement new steps to overcome old hindrances.
Put your dream into words.
Try writing out your goal with a step-by-step plan. Tell a friend so you can have accountability. Join a community with the same dream. Open yourself up to the people around you who help you in the process. Proverbs 27:17 reads, "Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.
Whatever your goal is today, my friend, press forward. Take another step toward your dream. Implement new procedures and steps. Keep going towards what you want most in exchange for what you want now. Tell someone your plan for the dream. You and I will see the results soon enough. And freind, remember 'extra fries' and 'excersie' may sound a little alike, but they give very different outcomes. :)
I leave you with the words of Winston Churchill, "Never, never, never give up."