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Be the Light

The light slowly dissipated around me, and the darkness began to settle like a thick blanket. I sat alone watching my world turn dim. Even the field beside my house began to fade into an empty sea of blackness.

However, one small light began to dance in the field.

It was tiny. Yet, I noticed its brightness from nearly 50 yards away. I was drawn to the dancing light and walked to the field to get a closer look. As I was captivated by the beam of light, another small flicker joined the dance. Then another light-beam caught my attention. Soon the field was full of cheer as more and more tiny golden lights appeared. Within time, the entire area seemed to glow from the beauty of the dancing lights.

Friends, just like I watched the darkness settle around me, sometimes feel another blanket of darkness from the hard news, deep anger, and desperation of social media. Hardship seems to engulf us on every side.

However, I am reminded that the light shines the brightest when the world is the darkest. As a believer, you and I are a reflection of THE light. Jesus Christ is the light of the world. As others see our light shine, they see Christ in us. John 1:5 (ESV) reads, “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”

Like the tiny firefly caught my attention, your light in a dark place will be noticed by others. They will be drawn to the Lord through your life. Friends, when you observe the darkness creeping in around you, remember to be a light. Be the light that dances across the dark field. Be the light that shines for Jesus. Be the Light that attracts others to the God who lives within you. Be the Light.

Because your light shines the brightest when your world is the darkest.

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