I have vague memories of Balinese Hindu temples, rice fields, hot afternoons, rainy days, skewered meat with peanut sauce, and fried rice. As a young child, my family lived in Indonesia, and my Dad was called to tell this unreached people group the good news. As a young woman, I committed my life to the Lord. I wanted the faith of my parents.

Religion is not what I have given my soul to, but a personal relationship with Jesus Christ is my heart cry. He has been my most profound friend, perfect guide, most incredible comforter, and the greatest joy of my heart ever since. How about you today? Do you ache for a companion, comforter, and satisfaction? I did! - I give you Jesus.
The Bible says, "We have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ." Romans 5:1 If you seek peace, I pray you will enter into a relationship with Him today. He is God and loves you unconditionally.
Maybe your childhood was different than mine. No worries! The good news is that Jesus is for all people. No matter your background, gender, race, or economic status - you, as I needed, can breathe. "Give me Jesus' God loves you and wants a relationship with you. He can be your most profound friend, perfect guide, incredible comforter, and joy.
As I sign off, I leave you with this song, "Give Me Jesus." It is a fav of mine! Enjoy!