The aroma of freshly baked bread permeates my kitchen and, at the same time, takes me back to my childhood. The smell is one mixed with a little sweetness and warm yeast. The mouth-watering treat has become a tradition at my old farmhouse.

There is an art to homemade bread. The yeast must be activated by the perfect temperature of water. A mix of fresh ingredients must be carefully added. The kneading of the dough is critical. The dough must rise for two to three hours. It is then formed into shape, and it must rise again.

Waiting is key. The process fails if the method is rushed. The bread will not be light and airy if it has not grown to maturity. The secret of soft yeast bread is patience. It is a discipline of trusting the process.
My mind travels from waiting for my bread to rise to waiting on God. Often, I am tempted to rush the process. I want God to answer my prayers yesterday. I can get impatient when I think my timing is better than His.
Can you relate? Do you get frustrated with the Lord's timing? Have you prayed for a situation and yet are tired of waiting game?
I get it! Waiting is never fun.
However, I am learning the importance of trusting my Abba Father's timetable. He sees the beginning from the end. He has my best interest in mind. His timing is perfect. As I wait, He prepares the stage for great things in the future. Just like I must trust the wait of bread to rise, even more remarkable still, I can trust the wait from my Lord. He has perfect timing. He is never late and rarely early. He will open the door or shut the door at His precise moments. Jamieson Bible Commentary says it this way. "God does nothing prematurely, but, foreseeing the end from the beginning, waits till all is ripe for the execution of His purpose."
"God does nothing prematurely, but, foreseeing the end from the beginning, waits till all is ripe for the execution of His purpose."
I find comfort in Galatians 4:4-5. "But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons. Friend, the world waited 400 years between the Old Testament prophesies and the New Testament fulfillment of Christ's birth. However, when the stage was set, when the timing was right, all things fell into place for the execution of His saving grace.
As I wait, I wait on the Lord; I am retraining my brain to wait with great expectation instead of great frustration.
Wait with expectation instead of frustration.
As I wait on my bread and the baking aroma travels to every nick and corner of our cozy home, I anticipate warm comfort food. When I serve my bread with real country butter and homemade preserves, the pairing is delightful! The light, airy, warm bread with a dollop of sweet preserves meets my salivating taste buds. The fresh bread is worth the wait. Every. Single. Time. How much more is the Lord's timing, worth the wait? The heavenly treats He is preparing are worth the wait! Every. Single. Time.
So, I am waiting and anticipating, with a growing understanding of my Lord's timing. in all things!
How about you?
As we wait in perfect peace, I'll share my momma's recipe. :) Perhaps it will encourage you!
