When your days are long . . .
When tired, torn and teary-eyed . . .
When you want peace instead of panic . . .
My friend, I know of hard places and sleepless nights.
But I also know of a peace that carries one through the challenging seasons, and I have found an inner strength for long days.
Do you want to replace a tired and restless heart with inner strength? Do you want to move from panic to peace?
The secret is to replace a worrisome panic with a warrior’s prayer.
Difficulties are fertile soil for the evil one to plant torment in your soul, but those same difficulties are invitations from the lover of your soul to find His comfort through prayer.
Prayer produces peace instead of panic.
Prayer gives clarity instead of confusion.
Prayer gives instruction when indecisive.
Prayer provides power instead of passivity.
Give your burdens to the Lord and watch God do His thing. 🙂 Christ invites us to “Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.” 1 Peter 5:7 (NIV) Prayer gives peace to our panic.
As you pray, realize that sometimes God changes your situation, but sometimes He changes you. When in a hard place, it is often an opportunity to take a step of maturity. Growth is never comfortable, but it is beautiful when embraced. As we become more and more like Christ, His character shines through us. “God is more interested in your character than your comfort.” (Rick Warren) Sometimes God changes our circumstances, but often He changes our heart and habits. Usually, it is a chance to grow in our character.
Whatever you are facing today that makes you tired, torn and teary-eyed, I invite you to replace the worrisome panic with a warrior’s prayer. His power and His peace are found in prayer.
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” Philippians 4:6-7 (NIV)