It blinks with a taunting rhythm.
The tiny black line indicates where typed text should live.
Instead, an emptiness of whiteness is all to be seen . . . and one small black vertical line. Blinking. Blinking. Blinking . . . . Taunting. Taunting. Taunting.
I strive to string words together . . . something; anything for an inspiring message; only to hit delete and watch all disappear, except one blinking taunting cursor. And I start again with no thoughts to share.
Somewhere in this process, I began to seek the One who knows my every need. I asked. He whispered, “Encouraging words using Biblical content for your everyday life.” He birthed words that began to live on the page.
I continued to ask, He continued to whispered.
And words were written and posts went live 52 times. Yes, this week marks one year of Friday morning posts.
One year of quiet whispers and words written.
I celebrate His goodness today and especially His whispers. I celebrate His allowing this blogger to learn to seek and listen intently.
The blinking cursor no longer taunts, it has begun to teach me to worship through His whispers.
Thank you friends for joining me in the journey. Thank you for clicking thru the website. Thank you for reading and responding.
Happy Birthday to the beautiful family of High Heels at His Feet for you are one of the many reasons I am motivated to face the blinking cursor.