The online pic was captivating! Breathtaking! So much so that it set the stage for an adventure.
Now friends, to be clear, most females desire to visit the seashore, and don’t get me wrong, I love that as well. However, after seeing the online picture, I wanted to go on a journey in search of this strikingly impressive specimen called the Banyan tree.
So on a recent Florida trip, my husband made this dream come true. Yes, we went to the seashore, but we also took a day to hike at Hugh Taylor Birch State Park located on 180 acres. We walked under a canopy of luscious greenery.
As we followed the trail with an Everglade feel, we came around a curve, and there she stood! I had never seen anything like her, nor have I since.
She was majestically splendid.
The magnitude alone was impressive.
Here is what is intriguing about the woody plant. The Banyan sends roots from its branches to the ground below. The roots dig deep, creating a support system to allow for more growth. Because of this uniqueness, it will grow not only in height but also in a lateral direction. It can develop into a tree covering thousands of feet. In fact, a giant Banyan tree is located in India near Kolkata and expands over three and a half acres of land.
How does this species grow to such magnitude? How does it become so impressive and spectacular?
One. Branch. At. A.Time.
One. Root. At. A. Time.
As the branches grow, sending roots to the ground, the tree ‘walks,’ spreading and growing as it covers more territory.
Friend, your faith grows the same way. Maturity develops by simply taking the next small step, then the next, and the next. As a Christ-Follower, faith becomes stronger and anchored for the next part of one’s journey. Within time, one will become more mature and stronger than before.
There is a similar example told by Jesus in Matthew 13. A tiny mustard seeds grows little by little until it is the largest of all plants. “He told them another parable: “The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man took and planted in his field. Though it is the smallest of all seeds, yet when it grows, it is the largest of garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds come and perch in its branches.”
I don’t know where you are in your faith journey, but today can I whisper a word of encouragement? Just take the next step. Keep Growing. Move into something new. Commit to His purpose for your life. Trust Him like never before. Study His Words deeply. Let your roots grow deep and move into maturity by simply taking the next growth step. Spread your branches because as you do, your life becomes a beautiful story.
Captivating, actually.
