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Three Steps to Soaring

The momma perched with a captured worm in her beak. Surveying her surroundings, she cautiously flew into the foliage of my hanging basket. She entered the greenery with her prey; then emerged without it. She repeated the process for several mornings, until one day, a small head popped up for a first look at the big world surrounding her’s. The once baby, now somewhat mature bird, quickly retreated back into the comfort zone of familiarity. Yet, slowly she braved another look. The momma bird sat outside the nest chirping as if to bid encouragement. The momma then gave a flight demonstration. The tiny bundle of fine feathers sat motionless, unmoved by her call. Yet, slowly the youngster seemed to gather her courage. Though the fledgling hesitated, suddenly without warning, she spread her wings and attempted her first flight. She moved only a few feet, but it was an enormous accomplishment towards something grand! With a few small practice attempts, she soon found her wings. This bird began a graceful flight into her miraculous journey!

Do you ever wish for enough courage to spread your wings and soar? Do you wish for your own miraculous journey, yet quickly retreat into your comfort zone? I have observed three steps towards soaring from my front porch friend! She has bid me to take flight when I want to retreat into what is familiar. If a little bird can find the courage to soar, my friend, we can as well! Over the next three post I will share encouragement to spread your wings and fly!

  1. The first step is to remember that time and space are necessary for flight!  

Everyone wants to enter the storyline with the fantastic moment of the first flight! But honestly, we cannot overlook the steps of preparation. Often, when no one is watching, the daily hard work must take place. So give yourself time and space before the flight! Think about it in relation to the birds on my porch. It began before the baby was even born. The momma bird diligently built a place of safety and growth. Each twig was selected and loving placed in the right position for the baby egg to be protected. The carefully constructed home provided security in the wind and the rain. The nest was hidden within the hanging basket. She laid her eggs and gave protection as she sat and waited. Then once hatched, the baby had time and space to stay tucked. The baby had time and space to develop into her own self. She was fed. She was protected. She grew. She matured. She was never rushed. Just as the bird is cared for, I believe God cares even more for you and me. He has selected previous steps of preparation for our safety, development, and growth. He has met our needs. He has given protection. He lovingly cares. “Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid. You are worth more than many sparrows.” Luke 12:6-7 (NIV) He wants you and me to grow into all that He has for us. So ladies, give yourself permission for time and space. Invest in yourself. Mature. Grow. Learn. Be strong. 

If you are a young momma at home with your kiddos, and you lose your cool, then ask for forgiveness from God and kids, know that tomorrow is a new day with new chances to practice loving words. Memorize verses on controlling your tongue. But don’t give up. Grow. Mature. Step into self-control. Give yourself time and space for growth. 

If you are at work and your boss is stretching your patience, then pray for wisdom and practice 1 Corinthians 13. Know that you will have plenty of opportunities to practice patience tomorrow or the next. Take the growth opportunities to mature into the beautiful spirit within you. Know that time and space are necessary for the flight.

As you are growing, let me remind you that the comfort of the nest is only for a season. Eventually, when fully ready, we will be pushed into something new. Take time to mature and become strong before your next step. With time and space behind you, your open door will come, and I believe you will be ready to start your flight! He has grand plans for your life, trust Him. “Trust the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways submit to Him and He will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV)

For I am confident “that He who began a good work in you, will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. Philippians 1:6 (NIV)

Time and space are necessary for the flight, my friend! So breathe deep and give yourself some time and space.

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