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I Did Not Come This Far - Only To Come This Far

Once upon a time, the thought of my children moving to faraway places seemed unbearable. I dreaded the transition to an empty nest. I missed the energy and excitement that came with the littles running in and out the back door. As my children have grown and started their adult lives, I have had many late-night conversations with my heavenly Father. I have asked Him why, when, and how we could go back to the way things once were. Haha! Friend, have you ever wished life could stay as it was? Do you resist change and run from transitions? I do!

However, it is interesting that through those raw and open talks with my Heavenly Father, the Lord changed my thought patterns. He comforted me with His truth. He challenged me to rise up and serve Him in a new season. I realized that a part of motherhood may be over, but another chapter is before me. I am learning that I did not come this far only to come this far. There is a new season before me, and it is beautiful and grand.

 I did not come this far only to come this far.

There is much for you and me to accomplish in every season of life. If we embrace every step, every stage has new and exciting adventures. As I step into the next season of time, I have more time to embrace goals wholeheartedly. There are fewer distractions.

Here is what I am learning:

  1. Our children are not ours to hold tightly but to give freely. God loves my children more than I do. I am choosing to give them to the Lord. He loved them even enough to give His only begotten Son for their salvation. "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that who so ever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life." (John 3:16)

  2. God's careful eye is upon them. I can let my eyes see new possibilities and new beginnings. It is time to do the things that I never had time to do. I can write that book. I can, and I will go to the gym with an early rhythm. It is freeing to understand that He loves and protects far and near. Their location does not limit our Lord. He can protect them under my roof, and He will protect them under theirs—no matter their location. Psalm 33:13 reads, "From heaven the Lord looks down and sees all mankind."

  3. We can have deep friendships with our adult children. In fact, our children make the best of best friends! Perhaps this is one of the reasons God allows His creations to mature into adulthood. We need deep friendships in our lives. We need someone who will have our back. That is what family and friendships are all about. Psalms 27:9 reads, "A sweet friendship refreshes the soul."

  4. My adult children are transitioning into new hobbies and new adventures. It is fun to see this in their lives. From a small homestead to raised gardens to church planting and successful careers. And I can do the same. I am trying new things to stay interesting. I am traveling to new places. I believe you can implement new hobbies as well. Perhaps you can now take that Bible class you always wanted to attend. Now is the time to travel and see this beautiful creation of your Lord. Maybe you want to read a book or tell a story. You can volunteer at a local school or church or ministry.

Friend, I did not come this far, only to come this far. You did not come this far only to come this far. Let's be all that the Lord has for you and me. Let's step boldly and excitedly into the next thing. The thought of an empty nest no longer seems unbearable. In fact, it is exciting! I have mountains to climb and hobbies to find! I have flowers to smell and stories to tell. I have adult children to call friends and grands to whisper that they are truly grand. I have a Lord to love and serve wholeheartedly as I step forward into exciting new days. For His mercy is new every morning.

And friend, you, too, can move forward into your next season!

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Apr 27, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Wow! You are right! I didn’t come this far-only to come this far! As I go through my journey in a new chapter in my life, I will always remind myself of this. ❤️

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