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I See You, Little Momma

I see you, little momma.

I see the struggle to give and give while the little ones take and take.

I know of short, sleepless nights and long, unbearable days.

I have had the frustration levels rise while kiddos tear down each accomplishment made that day.

I see. I know. I have been there.

I can also testify that one day, the ones who sucked the life right of you will grow to give back. I promise you will sleep again. Children do grow into mature, caring adults. They will love you deeply and learn to say thank you.

So when the tantrums appear, continue on, tired momma!

Don’t give up. Be consistent, and keep training those tiny souls. Lean in and give it your all. Embrace the hard. Because not only do I see you, but the One who matters most sees, and He cares.

Genesis 16:13 (NIV) “You are the God who sees me …”

So today, sweet mom, move in His grace. Keep giving. Keep teaching. Keep loving.

You are doing a great job! God sees your every step, and He is so proud of you. What you are doing each moment of every day truly matters. They will grow up, and you will become the best of friends.

God sees your hard word. He knows. He is cheering you on to the finish line. Take that next step, little momma. Finish well.

Galatians 6:9 "And let us not grow weary in doing good, for in due season we will reap if we do not give up."

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