Once upon a time, two tiny girls ventured to the water park with their momma and Mimi on a hot summer day. The fun started with cold splashes under the large mushroom drip and giggles on the splash pads.

After a picnic lunch, they ventured to the pool with climbing ropes and Lilly pads. Bouncing in the water with tiny arms clinging to Mimi's neck, they practiced the scissor kick and treading water. The girls had made so much progress that Mimi suggested they try the tall fun slide. However, at the challenge, the grands lost their minds! "NO, Mimi! It is scary and so tall! And it will dump us into the deep water!"
So what does a Mimi do? She climbs the tall slippery stairs to the top of the slide, telling her two cute girls to watch the fun!!! :) They giggled with delight at the thought of 'old Mimi' going for the tall slide. :) The tiny girls clapped and cheered as she conquered the scary tall slide!
The fear of the challenge reminds me of fears faced in life. Sometimes obstacles seem too scary to conquer. Often, we lose our minds when doubt creeps into our thoughts! Perhaps, fear even paralyzes us from moving forward.
However, when someone goes before us, proving the task can be accomplished, the action seems less scary. It might even feel doable! I am reminded today that our Heavenly Father goes before us, even in our worse fears. He promises to be with us. He is the all powerful God - (much more than a Mimi.)
"The LORD is the one who goes ahead of you; He will be with you He will not fail you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed." Deuteronomy 31:8
In your scary moments, remember the God who has gone before you. He is in the future with us. He promises never to forsake us. He has gone before preparing the way. I believe He often allows challenges for our growth and maturity. As we conquer our fears, we grow into bigger and better things.
Balarie Kelly says it this way, "No matter what path we walk down, God is one step ahead. The Lord is always going before us. No matter what mountain we come up against, He is already climbing it. No matter what journey of uncertainty we encounter, God is 100 steps further. He's laying out our path and preparing our steps. He is famous for caring and preparing us for greater things. He walks ahead to fight the battles we fear we can't win. He calms the seas we're convinced we can't beat. He softens the blows we worry will take us down. He knows our road. He understands our coming trauma. He knows how to lead us through it." (Crosswalk Click Here for her full article)
Friend, if you are facing a tall twisty slippery slide that seems too scary to overcome, remember that God has gone before you. He is with you in the fears. He will show you how to overcome.
Who knows, you might even encourage some little people who will cheer you on! You might challenge another soul to try hard things!
So sweet sister, climb the tall slide before you and enjoy the ride!