I have some exciting news andddd wait for it . . . YOU are invited!!! Walk thru the Bible Ministry is streaming live, and it is free!!!!
Join Walk Thru the Bible as we STEP INTO THE STORY through a Free Live Stream Monday, 4/6/2020 – Friday, 4/10/2020, from 7p to 7:30p EDT.
Why do you want to watch this? Why do you want to share this opportunity?
We are living in stressful, unprecedented times, but it’s also an unprecedented time to draw closer to the Lord. In God’s Word, we can find the promises of God that give us hope, guidance, and truth.
Maybe you are tired of watching shallow, meaningless tv. This is a rich alternative!
Did I mention it is FREE!? The ministry is gifting this to the world because of the hurt of our world! Free does not mean low quality. Free means a precious gift you don’t want to miss.

Step Into the Story is storying through the Old Testament with WTB president, Phil Tuttle as he combines wit and wisdom giving applications for today’s time of crisis and isolation.
This is a ministry Terry and I have been a part of for fifteen years. We believe in WTB and we want to share this treasure with you. If the ministry impacts you like it did Terry and me, you will never be the same.
This material has been taught around the world in churches, in schools, in armed services settings, in colleges, in police precincts, in VBS settings, and so much more, but it’s the first time we’ve brought it into homes.
It’s a new (and fun!) way WTB can help you stay immersed in God’s Word! Seriously! Don’t miss this.
Here are the details:
What: Streaming on our YouTube channel and Facebook Live When: April 6-10, with a new session every night Time: 7:00-7:30 EDT How: Here are the ways you can watch! Click Here!
(Some details/information have been quoted from Walk thru the Bible Ministry)