The task seemed too complicated.
I had tried yesterday.
I had tried the day before.
Even last week, I attempted.
After giving the assignment hours this morning and being relieved that I had completed the task, I decided to read the small print. This is when I saw the gravity of my mistake. How could I have been in such a hurry not to read all the instructions? One small detail, and now the entire project was all wrong. The small print was a big deal. It changed everything about the assignment.

The small print can be BIG.
I rested my face in my hands. I was tempted to submit the project anyway. I tried to convince myself the work would be good enough for no one cares about the information in the small print. I confess even knowing it was not my best under the freshly read guidelines, I still wanted to move on.
Do you ever feel like cutting corners? Me too! So what's a gal to do when she wants to take the easy road? During my moment of contemplation, these two thoughts came to mind:
I am working for the audience of One.
I remind myself that I am working for the audience of One. The One in my audience is the only one that matters. Colossians 3:23 (NLT) reads, "Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people." We must serve wholeheartedly as if you were serving the Lord, not people. When my responsibilities become an offering to my Lord, I can dig deep and present a worthy gift. He sees the effort. He knows my heart.
Doing my best is the best move I can make.
I do not allow my perspective to become the problem. When my perspective is on Christ, my problems become small. As I stepped back to re-frame the situation, I can re-engage. Often, what I frame as a problem can become a growth opportunity. I need to ask God what He wants me to get out of the problem instead of praying to get out of the problem. (Mark Batterson) Character is developed by doing our best in the good and in the bad. Talent is a gift, but character is a choice. Doing my best is the best move I can make.
Whatever is before you today, ladies, join me and let us re-frame our problems so we can dig deep for the audience of One. He is what truly matters.
I guess it is time to redo that assignment. :)
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