I see you, little Momma, of tiny tots.
I see you wondering how to get it all done as you fall mindlessly into bed, craving sleep only to get up tomorrow to do it all over again. I see you, sweet friend. I know the groans and even tears when life is hard—and motherhood is hard.
I know. I see. Motherhood is hard.

I also see down the road as three decades have passed. I have seen boys grow so tall they must bend to give mom a kiss as they say, "I Do" to another. I know of little girls who once held dolls and now rock babies of their own. Yes, I see the hard of holding close and letting go.
I see the hard in holding close and letting go.

So, on this Mother's Day weekend, can I whisper something softly in your ear? Motherhood may be hard, but oh, it's so good. In the hard, I also see strength. I know of the strength deep within that grows with love and serving.
In the hard, I see strength.
I see strength develop as a momma answers her baby's cry morning, noon, and night. I see strengths unfold in the selfless acts and patience that builds.
I see strength in the adult friendships between aging mothers and grown children. I see strength that develops from real and raw relationships who have each other's back in the highs and lows. I see the strength of families and couples that grow stronger because they are better together.
I see the spiritual strength that comes from guides and guardians who point the way to avoid paths of potholes and precariousness. I know of growth that takes place as women gather to learn of their God and listen to teachings and life applications. I see strength in discipleship for I believe there is a profound wisdom earned from a long life that does not compare to a reading of google. Yes, there is strength in one life pouring into another.
There is a profound wisdom earned from a long life that does not compare to a reading of google.

I see strength as one soul encourages another to stand strong in the face of the hard. I see strength build to rise up after falling down for there is something special in having spiritual sisters and daughters that do life together.
I see good. I see mommas and mentors embracing the children around them. And this is good.
Can you see it, too? The deep blessings of the circle grows with each birth, adoption, and marriage. I see birth mothers, step-mommas, single moms, and those still waiting. I see the wave of women who have cared for others—such as grandmothers, spiritual mommas, and mentors. Yes, it may be hard, but it is so good. When I see the good, somehow, the hard begins to fade.
I see the good and somehow the hard begins to fade.
Friend, what do you see this Mother's Day weekend?
To all the women who have poured into others, I honor you and thank you. To the women who have birthed a child, lost a child, adopted a soul, or fostered children—to single moms, spiritual moms, and those still waiting, to friends and mentors—you are loved. You are cherished. To you, I say, see the good and see the strength. Happy Mother's Day!
Happy Mother's Day!
Proverbs 31:31: "Honor her for all that her hands have done, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate."
