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Feeling Chilled? Wrap Yourself in God's Love!

Life is full of different seasons. Some are warm and bright, while others feel cold and a bit drafty. When life feels frigid, everything can seem gray. Just as the weather sometimes feels cold and harsh, life has seasons when you may feel like all is dark and difficult. But even in the coldest seasons, there is a source of warmth and comfort. As a cozy blanket shields us from the chill, God’s love is available to wrap us in warmth.

Sometimes, I need reminders of this truth. How about you?

When facing a complex or challenging season, I remind myself that God's love is always with me. His love is unconditional and unchanging. He offers strength in our difficult and cold days. His love is unwavering. Romans 8:39 reads, "Neither height nor depth, neither anything else in all of creation will be able to separate us from the love of God." God's love is always towards me. His love is always available.

"Neither height nor depth, neither anything else in all of creaton will be able to seperate us from the love of God."

He gives freely. God's love sent his Son to this earth as a baby laid in a maner. It was His love that kept Jesus on the cross. And His love will bring Christ back to take us home. God has proven His love for us.

Friend, today I want to remind you that you are loved. You are loved deeply by a God who wraps His arms around us and pulls us in. When facing life's raw and ridgit seasons, rest assured of His blanket of love. You can rest in the warmth of His neverending love.

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