Once upon a time, I dreamt that if I married my prince charming, then life would be perfect. I did marry my tall, dark and handsome hunk who is the man of my dreams. However, I quickly realized that even the best partner makes for a very poor god. If you put your spouse in a position he was not created to fulfill, friction will follow every time. Hear me say, that my spouse is a gift. He is the love of my life next to Jesus. However, a spouse is not the answer to all of life's problems.
"Even the best partner makes for a very poor god."

Then, I thought if I could have a child and a family to love, perhaps I would be happy. I have birthed four beautiful souls, that I love dearly. Truly, I do and honestly, I gave it a good try (haha) with a precious daughter and three amazing sons. However, it is not their responsibility to make me happy.
"It is not my children's responsibility to make me happy."

"A good job, then - that is what I need," I convinced myself. "I just need to find my passion with a purpose," I told myself. So, I searched for a job that would fulfill me. However, within a hot minute, I saw that a career may give some reward; but again, a job will never give the deep joy my soul craves.
No, sweet fiends, it is only a relationship with Jesus which fulfills the craving of one's makeup. Jesus is the one and only. He is the answer for lasting joy. He is King. In Him, we can find peace and passion. He is the prize we seek. He wants you and me to have peace and joy in Him.
"Only Jesus can fulfill the cravings of your soul."
What does this mean?
It means He has cleansed His followers from our failures; therefore, we have peace. It means He is with us in our darkest moments. It means we can have confidence in our deepest fears. It means we have a personal relationship with the King of Kings who loves us more than we love ourselves.
Friend, I am not sure if you are searching for joy today. Perhaps, you too are chasing your prince charming, a family, or a career. Maybe, you are chasing something else all together like security, fame, or financial freedom in hopes of finding your happiness. Can I just say from one girl to another - Know that Jesus, only Jesus will satisfy the deep cravings of your soul. Know that you can have complete peace, but it is found in your relationship with Christ. His peace is given freely and It is yours for the taking.
"Yet for us there is one God, the Father, from whom are all things and for whom we exist, and one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom are all things and through whom we exist."
I close today with a song from Vertical Worship called "One and Only Jesus." It is a new favorite on mine. Check it out!
Click Here Enjoy!