It is my joy and honor to write for you each week. I come to my keyboard with prayer and passion asking Him to give me an encouraging post for your everyday life using Biblical content. Along with the writing, God has also called me to speak His words! I am currently taking requests for 2022 and 2023. If I can ever help you or your church by teaching a ladies retreat, ladies tea, brunch, mothers-morning out, Christmas banquet, etc. I would be ecstatic! I want nothing more than to give His good news.
Let’s connect!
Title: Chosen: The Priorities of a Godly Marriage! The struggle is real in our marriage, but so is our God! See our mess and hear a message in this teaching. This is a 3-5 session event perfect for a retreat setting or can be shorted into a one session. It is great for Valentine Celebrations and Marriage seminars. Terry and I do this one together.

Title: Finding Intimacy in your Faith, Family, and Friends! This is a three session message from the book of Ruth with a focus on strengthening relationships. I answer questions such as “Where is God when my life hurts?” and “Can I trust Him on my dark days?” in session one. Session two is on “How to Strengthen my Family when my Life is Falling Apart,” and session three is entitled “Friendships that Stick.” This is great for a ladies retreat or multiple back to back live teaching sessions.

Title: Finding Intimacy with Christ in the Chaos of Life This has a fun vibe with the theme of “I want S’More of Jesus” as we look at the life of Mary sitting at the feet of her Lord and a Modern-day Martha. This is a one session talk or we can dig a little deeper over three sessions. This is a favorite!

Title: The Courageous and Confident Woman
“Learn to walk the runway of life with grace and style by taking two specific spiritual steps. Walk away from this event with confidence for your God-given journey. You will understand who you are in Christ and be challenged to live the life He has for you.

Title: “Spice for Your Sex Life”
In this study, I openly share what God has taught me to make my marriage all it can be. I concentrate on three areas which have been turning points for our relationship. This comes with a hilarious skit untiled “The Many Hats We Wear.” You will laugh and cry from relatable realities. This is my most popular event. It is a one session event.

Title: “Have a ‘M-A-R-Y’ Christmas”
Do you ever feel overloaded? Are you worried about getting everything done? By looking at the life of Mary and Martha from Luke chapter ten, we will be reminded how to have a M-A-R-Y Christmas even during demanding responsibilities. This devotional is a holiday event great for a women’s Christmas Banquet or Holiday Tea. This gathering is always cozy and fun.

Fear-Less: Rising with Courage
Rising with Courage! From the book of 1 Peter, we will learn to rise with courage and be all that Christ wants us to be. Life can be scary, filled with anxiety but God changes everything. The overview can be taught in one session such as a ladies’ night out. It can also be used in a longer time frame as we dig deep into the applications. This pic was a shorter version of the material when I taught a conference with this speaking team. So fun!

Let me know if you have any questions, or if I can help!
"Sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth. Sing to the Lord, praise his name; proclaim his salvation day after day. Declare his glory among the nations,
his marvelous deeds among all peoples Psalm 96:2-3