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Wedding Joy

Bailey Elise Photography

Last weekend, we celebrated these two souls!

The wedding was God-honoring and beautiful, as family and friends gathered to witness a ceremony of pledges and promises. But let me take you behind the scenes for a moment. I wrote this to my adult kids, with a few private alterations removed.

Bethany, the moment you walked through our backdoor and sat with us for dinner around our sticky dining room table, you walked straight into our hearts. You were so open when sharing your story. You are a joy and a gift to our family. I am forever grateful for you. You have been good for Daniel; he is better because of you.

B- Brillant

E- Endearing

T - Thoughtful

H - Hardworking

A - Admirable

N - Nap Lover :)

Y - Y- O-U Perfectly you!

Daniel, You are bold and spunky.

I smile when I think of you at only eight years old, challenging your church buddies who, on this particular day, were confrontational, to which you responded, “Meet me at the sandbox.” From playing with sticks that magically became light sabers, which may or may not have hit one of your brothers in the forehead, leading to a visit to the ER, to eating poison (poke) berries and then needing to vomit, you keep our lives exciting. When God whispered that you were my birthday gift, I knew you would be the best birthday gift I have ever known. We prayed for you, and He answered. You are indeed a gift to all who know you, and you will always be my best Birthday gift. And now you have become Bethany’s gift.

D - Dapper

A -Admired

N - Needed

I - Intelligent

E -Exemplary

L- Loved

You two are good for each other and better together! You are deeply loved - Congrats!

I am truly excited and moved beyond words for what lies ahead for Daniel and Bethany. They are happily married, and for that, I am forever grateful!

Thank you for your prayers. As for any marriage, including my own, I pray for a God-focused love first and a love for each other to follow.

Bailey, the Wedding photographer, is given credit for the pictures. The pictures are used with permission from the Bride and Groom. I highly recommend Bailey if you need a photographer for your next event. Contact her at Bailey Elise Photography

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