When I look at my red flowers that now bloom each year, I am reminded how once upon a time, I almost gave up. I almost quit on my dream of flowers or green grass. I never imagined that a beautiful red pop might actually live in my front yard. I have a long way to go, but I like to celebrate every victory, no matter how big or small. So today, I am soaking in these pops of red joy. I am grateful to see some progress in the alluring beauty of the old farmhouse.
Have you ever had a goal, but it became more complicated than you imagined? Have you ever wanted to quit?
The steps towards your dream might be more intense than you initially thought. You may be tempted to quit. Sometimes, the path to the end can be long and exhausting. Sometimes we need a little motivation to keep moving towards the goal.
Can I give you some encouraging truths that are helping me? Here are three principles.
Rest, but don't quit. Permit yourself to pause, but don't abandon God's life goals in your heart. Often when tempted to quit, if I will hit the pause button to rest first, I become rejuvenated and ready to re-engage. Once rested, difficulties seem smaller. Whatever goal you are tempted to abandon today, learn to rest instead of quitting. "God's mercies are new every morning, and great is his faithfulness," Lamentations 3:23 (NIV). Rest when you need to, but don't give up.
Embrace progress and let go of perfection. When perfection is the goal, we fail. When progress is the goal, it is attainable. I must remember to embrace progress and let go of perfection. When I let go of perfection, I give myself the freedom to take the next step. My goal is progress, not perfection.
Take the next step. I have to think of taking it one step at a time. For example, I am putting my touches on my yard in sections instead of tackling the whole yard. The backyard will even have to wait for now. But as you and I plan for the next step . . . and one more, again and again, we will get closer to our goals. Take the next step and hit repeat. Sometimes the complete picture is overwhelming. However, if we focus on the next step, victory will be achieved. Philippians 3:13 reads, "Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead." Now note that in context Paul is talking about our spiritual progress, which is the ultimate goal. However, the concept of forgetting failures of the past and moving towards a goal is applicable in many realms of life. (NIV)
Whatever goal you are working towards today, keep doing it! Don't give up. If you are seeking to lose weight, keep making good choices. Be patient and consistent if you are trying to potty train your toddler. Maybe you are praying for a lost family member, don't stop praying. If you want a green thumb, keep researching and planting. I believe you will reap the benefits if you continue to move forward.
It is a good day to take the next step!
Galatians 6:9 "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." (NIV)